One of our favorite days of the year is "Souper Bowl Sunday," the same day the Super Bowl Game is played. During the weeks building up to the morning of the Souper Bowl, the worship space is divided into friendly rival teams, the Loaves and the Fishes, on the organ and pulpit sides. Each team attempts to outdo the other in bringing in more items and funds for the LSS Choice Food Pantry. Our congregation typically is one of the top congregations across the Synod for what we bring in for LSS.
Following worship we all gather in the basement for a meal and a trivia game with questions about football or the Bible. Again, the Loves and the Fishes attempt to collect more points than the other side. The whole day is great fun and the real winners are the clients that benefit from all our hard work gathering food and funds.
Our 2025 Super Bowl celebrations brought in a total cash value of $5,120!
Please visit our Scrapbook page for lots more photos of our Souper Bowl Sunday.