Sharing God's Grace

The main goal of our Mission is to share God's grace with our community and beyond.  We do this well in a couple of big ways and in assorted smaller ways.  

We support our national church body's World Hunger and Disaster Relief initiatives, collecting funds for projects such as mosquito nets for malaria prevention, buying the gift of farm animals to help a family live sustainably and providing close access to safe drinking water for those who might otherwise need to walk many miles for their daily water needs.

We have a team of walkers that annually raise money for Multiple Sclerosis Research. We gather items for the local homeless shelter for winter needs or Christmas gifts for local families who need assistance.  And we have supported the local shelter for battered women.  We also support local initiatives such as The Refuge (pictured here). 

"The Refuge is a haven, a true refuge for men struggling with life destroying, family destroying battles, and not only are they getting love and help, they are being gloriously delivered, and families are being restored in miraculous ways... To date The Refuge has helped well over 5,000 men enter into a brand new life, free from addiction, in love with Jesus, and on their way to becoming better citizens, sons, husbands, and fathers."

Serving God's Kingdom

We are huge supporters of the Lutheran Social Services Choice Food Pantry just west of us on Main Street in Lancaster.  The Souper Bowl ingathering is only one of our regular challenges to the congregation.  We actually work hard all year long to bring in donations for those who depend upon the Pantry for assistance. In addition to donating items and funds, we volunteer actual face time, working with the clients who visit the pantry.

For more information o this ministry you may contact Cindy Herd, our Pantry Coordinator at

Our Daily Lives are full of grace

You may see folks in our church family living out their faith in extraordinary ways.  Here is just one example.  All on their own, our teens have lived generously and worked hard to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, because one of their classmates lives with this disease every day.  Five of the teens pictured here are part of the Grace Family.  Over the past five years this group of students has raised over $21,000 for JDRF with a Dodge Ball Tournament as a joint birthday party.

Grace has been proud to be a corprate sponsor of this program and we celebrate what these young leaders have done.