Learning Together

We provide education opportunities for all ages every Sunday morning during the regular school year.  From the Adult Forum to the Teen Class, Catechism, and Preschool/Elementary Classes.  We are blessed to have state of the art multi-media tools to use and have a dedicated staff of teachers and leaders.

Sunday School is at 9 AM; classes meet throughout the building.

During the summer we have a lively Vacation Bible School as well as Children's Church every Sunday morning.  Special classes are offered on an as needed basis and are designed for newcomers, those preparing for First Communion or Baptism, and even CPR/AED Certification Training because we have an AED in the building.

  • Budding Artists

    Finger Painting is taken to the next level and the finished products grace our walls.  This is just one of the many creative learning activities our younger Sunday School students encounter on a Sunday morning at Grace.

  • Baking Bread

    This bread is my body given for you...

    Baking bread for Communion is how this class prepared to come to the Lord's Table for the first time.

  • Catechism Outings

    Our catechism class meets  on selected Sunday mornings and also takes advantage of local learning and service opportunities. Here the class is seeing the National Geographic film about Jerusalem in 3D in the IMAX Theater at COSI.


Our Vacation Bible School (VBS) meets for a week  in the evenings in the summer.  We start with a simple supper provided by our Kitchen Crew and then break out into individual classes.  Songs, games, crafts, and multi-media accompany the story telling each day.  We generally end with a special VBS Program during worship on the following Sunday.

The Teens at Grace (TAG) are the High School Students who enjoy being together and also share their talents with the congregation by hosting intergenerational events such as our Game Day (a Euchre Tournament with lots of other games for those who don't play Euchre).  They will gather on Sunday afternoons to have fun, learn together and work on special projects.  Our TAG team will be attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston in June 2018.