the future God gives...

Grace is a church family that values families and encourages young and old to know one another by name.  These relationships pass on many gifts:

  • stories of faith and discipleship
  • respect for every person, and
  • a warm welcome at God's abundantly gracious table.

We involve young and old in our worship gatherings.  This kind of community is where our continuing future as a congregation is envisioned.  We hope each day we are faithful to God's call to be his hands and feet and that we practice being followers of Jesus in every aspect of life.  God is always with us.  Our job is to always go with God.

...grows from God's Presence Now

God is with us now.  We find him in bread and wine, water and word, in the eyes of children, the smiles of adults, the gift of teens, our neighboring ministries, the stewards of our land, the bountiful harvest of song, soup, and sharing.  God blesses us with visitors to welcome into our family, for a day or for a lifetime.  God blesses us with a great cloud of witnesses we honor in our cemetery and in the memorial gifts that make our facility work better, such as installation of a lift providing access to our basement for those who cannot use our stairway, and through our farm which funds outreach efforts both local and abroad,